The only reason why they have managed to develop their stealth jet so quickly is because most of the technology, parts, equipment and components etc have mostly been bought from the USA and NATO companies. So South Korea isn't racing ahead as we are developing the AMCA completely by ourselves without any help which works out better in the long term.
Also the technology that we have developed for the AMCA will be 100% indigenously designed and made in India and it isn't a pipe dream. Currently they are already starting to make the items and parts now that the government has cleared the funds so private companies will be participating keenly. As for exporting their submarines they have again had help from the USA and NATO allies in technology transfer and they have had their military projects running continuously with upgrades and changes which incrementally makes each submarine more advanced than the last. India has never bothered until recently to design and develop their own submarines which take at least 10 years or more.