Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

When all the engineer drawings, testing and technology development of AMCA made like bulkheads, and so on why you have doubts about it.
Because all people who are familiar with DRDO and ADA know that it is one thing to claim to claim everything is ready (when in fact they are not) and then when it comes to delivery dates, come up with all sorts of excuses. Their shady history and messed up track record stand as testimony to their capabilities!
MRFA will/should happen and looks like Rafale (even if expensive) will be the choice - but given current constraints of supply (12-20 max can be built by Dassault) unless there is a new line in India that can also build 12-20 per year say starting 2028 (if we finalize the deal in 2025) we will be behind the curve...Given the timelines of AMCA and Tejas-Mk2, we need these fighters quickly...Fastest will be a G2G deal concluded in early 2025 with work starting after Modiji wins the 3rd term...P-75Is/TKMS/Germany and MRFA/Rafales/France should both be G2G as they can get done fast, but these should be the last foreign SSKs/Fighters Bharat should get.
indigeous content of LCA Mk1A is more than 60% and will go to 70% after radars, etc are ready for mass production. Sukhoi is not indigenous at all. Most parts are imported, the design is russian. Reason why JF17 is considered pakis even though most parts are chinese or russian because it is designed by pakistan.
Bro get the facts, JF 17 is a Chinese design, plane but a Pakistani effort.

Sukhois soon would be 80% indigenous....much more than LCA
Bro get the facts, JF 17 is a Chinese design, plane but a Pakistani effort.

Sukhois soon would be 80% indigenous....much more than LCA
Pakistan has F-16 and JF-17 design is inspired by that. If you look at chinese air force, they dont have any jets that look like that. Chinese jet design philosophy is more soviet and russian, while Indian jet design philosophy is french.
Bro get the facts, JF 17 is a Chinese design, plane but a Pakistani effort.

Sukhois soon would be 80% indigenous....much more than LCA
lol, sukhois have russian and israeli radar, and most other avionics are also either russian or israeli. the 2 engines are also russian. Most of the weapons used are also russian or israeli. Yet you call it 80% indigenous in few years???? How?
lol, sukhois have russian and israeli radar, and most other avionics are also either russian or israeli. the 2 engines are also russian. Most of the weapons used are also russian or israeli. Yet you call it 80% indigenous in few years???? How?
Those Russian parts are being manufactured with indigenous content. A lot of Russian parts are replaced by indigenous parts.

IAF chief has himself confirmed that it would be 78% indigenous: can give u link.

HAL already has said it would be 78% indigenous.
Pakistan has F-16 and JF-17 design is inspired by that. If you look at chinese air force, they dont have any jets that look like that. Chinese jet design philosophy is more soviet and russian, while Indian jet design philosophy is french.
Chinese mixed the mig 21 and IAI design, it's already known bro.... update urself.
do you know that right now rafale production is less than 15 jets a year, when first production started in 1997? There is currently an order backlog of over 220 jets. So imagine what would happen when India places order for 114 jets. Most parts would have to be imported including engine. Just imagine how much later those parts deliveries will happen. This in contrast to Indian jets. Indian jets dont have any other orders, so entire production line will work for india only. If 10 billion dollar investment is made, production can easily be upgraded to over 20 a year in 5 years, this is because HAL will gove orders to its suppliers who will inturn ramp up their own production, thus it takes time. The crucial thing for all this is that orders need to be placed.
They will be 50% indigenous....just as I said stop having optimistic thoughts about indigenous program and pessimistic thoughts about MRFA
Those Russian parts are being manufactured with indigenous content. A lot of Russian parts are replaced by indigenous parts.

IAF chief has himself confirmed that it would be 78% indigenous: can give u link.

HAL already has said it would be 78% indigenous.
from what I have seen, right now 50% parts are indian, while it will be increased to 60% for future order of 12 units.
DAC approved the upgrade already.
that was an acceptance of necessity. Right now the proposal itself is not ready- what stuff will be upgraded, what will be replaced etc. Permission of russia will also need to be taken. AoN means that the process can begin. Also the package is for 84 aircraft, whiich is a fraction of our sukhois.
that was an acceptance of necessity. Right now the proposal itself is not ready- what stuff will be upgraded, what will be replaced etc. Permission of russia will also need to be taken. AoN means that the process can begin. Also the package is for 84 aircraft, whiich is a fraction of our sukhois.
What I meant to say is Su30 is already on its way to be 80% indigenous while I see no sign of LCA.
What I meant to say is Su30 is already on its way to be 80% indigenous while I see no sign of LCA.
LCA is also going that way, now we have the engines for it also being made in India with 80% ToT. same cant be said for russian engines for Su-30
Rafales are to be produced in India under MRFA🤦.

U think u r smarter than decision makers of the world's strongest force!?

They are looking forward for F15 service till 2060.
F-15 is basically a missile truck and proly replaced with (more capable & cheaper) UCAVs ( controlled remotely or by F-35 or 22) in ~15 years.
The other nations like China and Russia is already in league of 5gen aircraft technology.... Only difference is Russias su57 is built as a pseudo 5gen that still needs some refinement like serrated/flat engine nozzle, more advance RAM coating, sensor fusion and super computer, upgraded engine with super cruise at mach 2, s shape air duct inlet and a more advance AESA radar than their weird so called AESA radar using
median RCS is ~0.5m while J-20 is 0.2. 2.5x better than clean Raffale. Izdelye 30 has serrated nozzle and flat being tested too ( thats more likely for the S-70 okhotnik drone)
median RCS is ~0.5m while J-20 is 0.2. 2.5x better than clean Raffale. Izdelye 30 has serrated nozzle and flat being tested too ( thats more likely for the S-70 okhotnik drone)
To compensate it RCS the Russian are integrating plasma stealth... And Chinese engineer plus it's scientist proven that this is successful... The only factor is the different design approach... IMHO that's why we see Russian powering up it's new engine design as power resource of it's future upgraded part in su57.... All most of it's major design problem is being solve from su75 IF they launch it's prototype next year

India's AMCA: A Budget-Conscious Path to 5th-Gen Capability​

India's aviation ambitions have taken a significant leap forward with the recent greenlighting of its Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) program. The goal: develop a cutting-edge, domestically produced 5th-generation fighter jet.

What sets the AMCA program apart is its remarkably low budget – approximately Rs 15,000 crores ($1.8 billion) – a fraction of what other nations typically spend on similar endeavors.

Cost Comparisons: AMCA vs. Global Programs​

To put this into perspective, South Korea's KF-21 program, launched in 2015, has an estimated price tag of $6.59 billion. While impressive, the KF-21's initial versions lack true 5th-generation capabilities like internal weapons bays and stealth coatings. A fully stealthy variant (Block-III) is planned for 2030 but is expected to push unit costs above $100 million and overall program costs past $7 billion.

Similarly, Turkey's TF-X (KAAN) program began in 2016 with an initial government investment of $1.18 billion and projections for an additional $2-3 billion to complete its development cycle. Unit costs for the KAAN fighter are estimated at $100-$125 million in its final configuration.

India's Cost-Effective Strategy​

India's AMCA program takes a notably more frugal approach. Initial AMCA variants (AMCA MKI) could cost around Rs 900 crore ($108 million) per unit, potentially dropping to Rs 450-500 crore ($60 million) for subsequent production models.

This affordability stems partly from the decision to use the F-414 engine, which India has the potential to produce domestically from 2027 onwards. The more advanced AMCA MKII, featuring a new indigenous 110kN engine, might see higher initial costs, but these are expected to stabilize with larger-scale production.

Despite cost-saving measures, it's unlikely the AMCA will ever match the flyaway cost of the F-35A (estimated at under $78 million by 2035).

However, India's focus isn't solely on the price tag. The AMCA program emphasizes achieving high levels of indigenization – over 70% for the MKI and exceeding 90% for the MKII. This aims to bolster India's domestic aerospace industry and reduce reliance on foreign suppliers.


India's AMCA program is a distinctive venture in the world of 5th-generation fighter development. Its comparatively low budget, coupled with a strong commitment to indigenous production, could reshape the future of India's Air Force and broader defense industry.

While challenges remain, the AMCA program's focus on affordability and self-reliance charts a unique trajectory for India's military technological advancements.

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