Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

MRFA should b Fast Track . if current Govt Retains to Power then all defence project will b fast Tracked Deal for 26 Rafale Marine is Pending. with CCS Clearance For AMCA second part will b Engine partner slection and developing that Engine within 10 years.
F414 engine production should have started by this year... F404 production rate increment is very important as well.
With jets also they are super expensive targets. All one needs is a missile to sink an AC.
an AC surrounded by a battlegroup, consisting of multiple destroyers, frigates, ASW corvettes, awacs helicopters, submarines. And it is always moving at a pretty good speed. Dude, good luck if you think you can sink a 50,000 ton AC in between all of that, using 1 missile. If that missile is a brahmastra or something sudarshan chakra, then maybe it will be possible.
How it's super expensive???? You are developing a fifth generation fighter aircraft with the initial funding of under 2 billion, I will say it may be world's least expensive fifth generation fighter aircraft that we are making!! Saying anything about indigenous program people just forget that it's a fifth generation fighter a niche tech that few nation only holds.
i also think that when compared to other countries it will be cheap, but from Indian standards, it will be our most expensive project, even more expensive than our aircraft carrier.
150 J-20A in 2023 to 250 J-20A as of today.

100 Fifth Generation fighters added in 1 year.

I am sure, HAL must be eyeing this.

If they have some shame left, probably we will get to see 3 Tejas Mk1A roll out this year.
MRFA should b Fast Track . if current Govt Retains to Power then all defence project will b fast Tracked Deal for 26 Rafale Marine is Pending. with CCS Clearance For AMCA second part will b Engine partner slection and developing that Engine within 10 years.
In the current budget money has already been sanctioned for 26 Rafale Marine
In 20 years when AMCA prototype will be made, LRDE will develop GaN radar, it is absolutely true, anything made for Tejas MK1A, MK2 and TEDBF/ORCA will be used in AMCA, hope and pray that MK2 and TEDBF/ORCA are made fast relevant to the time, otherwise GOI will be making AMCA when the the whole world will be flying 7th or 8th gen Aircraft.
You Sir, pure and simple, are an idiot!
What pressure???
Hen china was building hundreds of 4+ gen Su27 and Su30 copies; J10c (Lavi copies) in year 2010-2020, what Indian Govt/ MoD/ HAL/ ADA/ DRDO doing??? They didn’t able to build 50 nos Tejas between 2005-2024……..
Now talking about AMCA!!! Its a joke…. Our apparatus simply can’t bulk manufacture with quality….
U can't compare China & India in last decade , it would be unfair.

Compare this decade china vs India , as india DPSUs , private sectors are getting matured & GOI supporting projects.

There are reports that the newly bought foreign drone , that has capability to fly for 52 hours under best conditions is flying for 17 hours in Indian conditions and ALL 3 armed forces are now thinking about decreasing the MALE requirements... Which has already shown excellent results to fly 17 hours in india conditions
an AC surrounded by a battlegroup, consisting of multiple destroyers, frigates, ASW corvettes, awacs helicopters, submarines. And it is always moving at a pretty good speed. Dude, good luck if you think you can sink a 50,000 ton AC in between all of that, using 1 missile. If that missile is a brahmastra or something sudarshan chakra, then maybe it will be possible.
And yet Gotland class, French sub for Portuguese navy, German 212 sub got fix for US carriers in exercises even after all the carrier escorts.Don’t underestimate quite diesel electric subs.
Key to Tejas-Mk2, AMCA-Mk-1, and Mk-2 long term will be the high thrust domestic engine (120-130KN) being developed with safran...If the JV can start producing this engine (post testing and certification) before 2035, then all AMCA's (especially Mk-2s) can have this engine and thus supercruise and the cooling to increase full spectrum stealth...India should also start thinking about 6th gen (at least start a project to plan) either by joining the GCAP (UK+Japan+Italy) or launch one domestically (formally by 2030) so we can field a fighter in the 2040-2045 timeframe, buth key again will be variable cycle engines (like the ones for NGAD) with high thrusts of 200KN...Long term Defense-Industrial roadmap, while transforming R&D via DRDO, Labs, private players and an innovation ecosystem is vital.
I think the current plan is to make AMCA MK2 into a 5.5 platform and maybe start a fresh for 6.5 or 7th gen.
They said same thing that Mk2 is just a better version of mk1/mk1a and will be done rapidly, but still no sign of mk2 and barely of mk1a for that matter. It’s going to take a longggggggg time coming!!
And yet Gotland class, French sub for Portuguese navy, German 212 sub got fix for US carriers in exercises even after all the carrier escorts.Don’t underestimate quite diesel electric subs.
these kinds of exercises are done with very several handicaps for the stronger adversary, such as preferable rules of engagement for the underdog. If these handicaps are not given, then there will be no point in carrying out these exercises. Also, in these exercises, entire fleet does not participate, there are few ships. Also, in that particular case you are referring to, that sub had gotten within several kilometres of the carrier battle group. That is still far cry from launching a torpedo or cruise missile and sinking a carrier.
You Sir, pure and simple, are an idiot!
You too Sir are worst than idiot for still believing our DSPU’s and their work culture even after seeing all their inefficiency and incompetency this many years, old habits never change.
My thinking if they can fix the su-30mki engine then the same people can develop an better engine. Just learn to award talent, and drop hand holding.
Fixing minor issues and making a brand new engine are 2 very different things. Minor air flow rectifications and improving the quality of toolmanship is easy. Doing metallurgy from scratch is not. But you are right. Learn to award talent. It just doesn’t exist in GTRE. So give the deal to Tata or Adani.
Well once you have to develop the niche technology without the support you really can't just predict the exact timeline,
Amca project according to news kick start almost 1.5 decade ago but true reality is Amca was just an copy version of FGFA. Sudden IAF decide it is not satisfied with the FGFA program so without any further tech it just turn within & as I believe Tejas program helped a lot to build the confidence that we can achieve it. In this means time we didn't even get the technologies from the MRFA(no one knows when this deal will be concluded) so developing things take time, I just hope that around 2030 we will se Tejas mk2 & Amca prototype flying it will be too good if three prototype flying in the air with tedbf. It's not going to be an easy journey but showing frustration & saying bad things will not make it better.
I am thinking practical with no delusions, Tejas MK2 prototype may be flying in 2030 but not AMCA, according to current AMCA design, it’s an evolution of TEDBF/ORCA, so until TEDBF prototype is ready and thoroughly tested for production(We know how long testing takes and then the repeated revisions by Armed forces), AMCA prototype won’t be ready any tome sooner. In realistic terms we can expect AMCA by the end of next decade if we do it all alone, if a foreign MRFA jet is decided and if that OEM helps on AMCA then we can expect may be 5 years sooner, we also have engine delay on top of that.
I think we should shelve the TEDBF project so as to concentrate only on TejasMk2 & AMCA and develop deck based AMCA later as a supplementary development since the requirement for deck based fighters will not be substantial.
It is not possible as AMCA is based on TEDBF.

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